Building RELIC for CharmΒΆ

The first step is to obtain the RELIC library source from We provide instructions for how to compile RELIC and the charm pairing module.

  1. Download the latest version of RELIC and untar in the charm/charm/core/math/pairing/relic/

  2. Change directories into the relic dir and build the library using the provided compile script. Note that this script only builds Barreto-Naehrig curves supported in the RELIC library. The last command may require super-user privileges to install on your system.

    mkdir relic-target

    cd relic-target

    sh ../ ../relic-<version>/

  3. If there are no errors during RELIC compile/install, you may run configure at the top-level source dir and enable use of RELIC.

    ./ --enable-pairing-relic

  4. You may build and install Charm as usual. These commands may or may not require super-user privileges depending on your environment.


    sudo make install