.. _charm-with-relic: Building RELIC for Charm ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The first step is to obtain the RELIC library source from https://code.google.com/p/relic-toolkit/. We provide instructions for how to compile RELIC and the charm pairing module. 1. Download the latest version of RELIC and untar in the ``charm/charm/core/math/pairing/relic/`` 2. Change directories into the ``relic`` dir and build the library using the provided compile script. Note that this script only builds Barreto-Naehrig curves supported in the RELIC library. The last command may require super-user privileges to install on your system. ``mkdir relic-target`` ``cd relic-target`` ``sh ../buildRELIC.sh ../relic-/`` 3. If there are no errors during RELIC compile/install, you may run configure at the top-level source dir and enable use of RELIC. ``./configure.sh --enable-pairing-relic`` 4. You may build and install Charm as usual. These commands may or may not require super-user privileges depending on your environment. ``make`` ``sudo make install``