Source code for waters11

Brent Waters

| From: "Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption: An Expressive, Efficient, and Provably Secure Realization"
| Published in: 2011
| Available from:
| Notes: Implemented an asymmetric version of the scheme in Section 3
| Security Assumption: Decisional Parallel Bilinear Diffie-Hellman Exponent
| type:           ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption
| setting:        Pairing

:Authors:         Shashank Agrawal
:Date:            05/2016

from charm.toolbox.pairinggroup import PairingGroup, ZR, G1, G2, GT, pair
from charm.toolbox.ABEnc import ABEnc
from charm.toolbox.msp import MSP

debug = False

[docs]class Waters11(ABEnc): def __init__(self, group_obj, uni_size, verbose=False): ABEnc.__init__(self) = group_obj self.uni_size = uni_size # bound on the size of the universe of attributes self.util = MSP(, verbose)
[docs] def setup(self): """ Generates public key and master secret key. """ if debug: print('Setup algorithm:\n') # pick a random element each from two source groups and pair them g1 = g2 = alpha = g1_alpha = g1 ** alpha e_gg_alpha = pair(g1_alpha, g2) a = g1_a = g1 ** a h = [0] for i in range(self.uni_size): h.append( pk = {'g1': g1, 'g2': g2, 'g1_a': g1_a, 'h': h, 'e_gg_alpha': e_gg_alpha} msk = {'g1_alpha': g1_alpha} return pk, msk
[docs] def keygen(self, pk, msk, attr_list): """ Generate a key for a set of attributes. """ if debug: print('Key generation algorithm:\n') t = k0 = msk['g1_alpha'] * (pk['g1_a'] ** t) L = pk['g2'] ** t K = {} for attr in attr_list: K[attr] = pk['h'][int(attr)] ** t return {'attr_list': attr_list, 'k0': k0, 'L': L, 'K': K}
[docs] def encrypt(self, pk, msg, policy_str): """ Encrypt a message M under a monotone span program. """ if debug: print('Encryption algorithm:\n') policy = self.util.createPolicy(policy_str) mono_span_prog = self.util.convert_policy_to_msp(policy) num_cols = self.util.len_longest_row # pick randomness u = [] for i in range(num_cols): rand = u.append(rand) s = u[0] # shared secret c0 = pk['g2'] ** s C = {} D = {} for attr, row in mono_span_prog.items(): cols = len(row) sum = 0 for i in range(cols): sum += row[i] * u[i] attr_stripped = self.util.strip_index(attr) r_attr = c_attr = (pk['g1_a'] ** sum) / (pk['h'][int(attr_stripped)] ** r_attr) d_attr = pk['g2'] ** r_attr C[attr] = c_attr D[attr] = d_attr c_m = (pk['e_gg_alpha'] ** s) * msg return {'policy': policy, 'c0': c0, 'C': C, 'D': D, 'c_m': c_m}
[docs] def decrypt(self, pk, ctxt, key): """ Decrypt ciphertext ctxt with key key. """ if debug: print('Decryption algorithm:\n') nodes = self.util.prune(ctxt['policy'], key['attr_list']) if not nodes: print ("Policy not satisfied.") return None prodG = 1 prodGT = 1 for node in nodes: attr = node.getAttributeAndIndex() attr_stripped = self.util.strip_index(attr) prodG *= ctxt['C'][attr] prodGT *= pair(key['K'][attr_stripped], ctxt['D'][attr]) return (ctxt['c_m'] * pair(prodG, key['L']) * prodGT) / (pair(key['k0'], ctxt['c0']))