Source code for specialprimes

Generates a Blum-Williams integer, which is the product of two distinct primes
each congruent to 3 mod 4

from charm.core.math.integer import integer,isPrime,randomPrime

[docs]class BlumWilliamsInteger: def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def generatePrimes(self, n): while True: p = randomPrime(n) if(isPrime(p) and (((p-3)%4) == 0)): break while True: q = randomPrime(n) if(isPrime(q) and (((q-3)%4) == 0) and not(q == p)): break return (p, q)
[docs] def generateBlumWilliamsInteger(self, n, p=0, q=0): if((p == 0) or (q == 0)): (p,q) = self.generatePrimes(n) N = p * q return (p, q, N) else: N = p * q return N