Source code for securerandom

Base class for cryptographic secure random number generation
:authors: Gary Belvin
from charm.toolbox.bitstring import Bytes
from charm.toolbox.conversion import Conversion
from charm.core.math.integer import randomBits
import datetime
import math
import random

[docs]class SecureRandom(): def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def getRandomBytes(self, length): '''Returns a random bit string of length bytes''' raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def addSeed(self, seed): ''' Add randomness to the generator. Always increases entropy ''' raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class SecureRandomFactory(): ''' This class provides a central place to swap out the randomness engine used by the charm framework. Classes should call ``rand = SecureRandomFactory.getInstance()`` to acquire a randomnesss generator '''
[docs] @classmethod def getInstance(self): return OpenSSLRand()
[docs]class OpenSSLRand(SecureRandom): '''Uses the OpenSSL PRNG for random bits''' def __init__(self): SecureRandom.__init__(self) #seed with a little bit of random data. This is not the only source #of randomness. Internally, OpenSSL samples additional physical randomness.
[docs] def getRandomBytes(self, length): bits = length * 8; val = randomBits(bits) return Conversion.IP2OS(val, length)
[docs] def getRandomBits(self, length): i = randomBits(length) len = math.ceil(length / 8) return Conversion.IP2OS(i, len)
[docs]class WeakRandom(SecureRandom): def __init__(self): SecureRandom.__init__(self)
[docs] def getRandomBytes(self, length): return self.myrandom(length, False)
[docs] def addSeed(self, seed): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @classmethod def myrandom(self, length, printable=False): ''' This method does **NOT** provide cryptographically secure random numbers. This should **NOT** be used for production code ''' if(printable): #Nice printable characters for testing purposes return Bytes(random.randrange(0x20, 0x7E) for i in range(length)) else: return Bytes(random.randrange(0, 256) for i in range(length))