from charm.toolbox.enum import *
# user-map
# security models: standard, random oracle and common reference string
baseSecModels = Enum('SM', 'ROM', 'CRS')
# scheme types
SchemeType = Enum('PKEnc', 'PKSig', 'IBEnc', 'IBSig', 'RingSig', 'GroupSig', 'ABEnc', 'DABEnc','Commitment', 'Hash', 'ChamHash', 'Protocol', 'PREnc')
# security hardness assumptions
secAssump = Enum('OW','RSA','StrongRSA','DL','DH','CDH','DDH','DBDH','q_SDH','LRSW') # need to expand this since it captures implications
schemeType = "scheme"
assumptionType = "assumption"
messageSpaceType = "messageSpace"
secModelType = "secModel"
secDefType = "secDef"
[docs]class SchemeBase:
'''Base class for all crypto, which defines security properties of cryptosystem'''
def __init__(self): = {}
def _setProperty(self, scheme=None, secDef=None, assumption=None, messageSpace=None, secModel=None, **kwargs):
if scheme is not None and scheme in SchemeType.getList():[ schemeType ] = SchemeType[scheme]
if assumption is not None and assumption in secAssump.getList():[ assumptionType ] = secAssump[assumption]
if messageSpace is not None and type(messageSpace) == list:[ messageSpaceType ] = list(messageSpace)
elif messageSpace is not None:[ messageSpaceType ] = messageSpace # TODO: better error handling here
if secModel is not None and secModel in baseSecModels.getList():[ secModelType ] = baseSecModels[secModel]
if secDef is not None:[ secDefType ] = secDef # defined by subclass
for key in kwargs.keys():[ key ] = kwargs[key]
return True
def _getProperty(self):
return dict(
def _checkProperty(self, scheme, prop):
# verify scheme is a subclass of SchemeBase
if not hasattr(scheme, 'getProperty'):
assert False, "ERROR: Scheme class not derived from any of the Charm scheme types."
if type(prop) == list:
criteria = list(prop)
#print("criteria: ", criteria)
targetProps = scheme.getProperty()
#print("check list =>", targetProps)
for k,v in criteria:
#print(k, ":", v)
if k in targetProps.keys():
# found a match
if (v == str(targetProps[k])):
# criteria value is less than target value
elif v in baseSecModels.getList() and baseSecModels[v] < targetProps[k]:
assert False, "ERROR: required property not in scheme dictionary or not satisfied: %s" % k
return True
[docs] @classmethod
def verifyTypeStruct(self, source, target, _types=dict):
# make sure src and targ the same type otherwise raise error
if type(source) != type(target):
assert False, "type mismatch between src='%s' and targ='%s'" % (type(source), type(target))
if _types == dict: _iter = target.keys()
elif _types in [list, tuple]:
_iter = range(len(source))
target = [target[0] for i in _iter]
#print("target =>", target)
#if struct unknown, then we shouldn't be calling this method
assert False, "invalid structure type. wrong method"
for i in _iter:
if hasattr(source[i], 'type'): # check for charm elements
assert source[i].type == target[i], "invalid type: '%s' should be '%s' not '%s'" % (i, target[i], source[i].type)
elif type(source[i]) in [dict, tuple, list]: # all dict elements (charm or python) must match target type
keys = source[i].keys() if type(source[i]) == dict else range(len(source[i]))
for j in keys:
if hasattr(source[i][j ], 'type'):
assert source[i][j].type == target[i], "invalid type: '%s' should be '%s' not '%s'" % (j, target[i], source[i][j].type)
assert type(source[i][j]) == target[i], "invalid type: %s" % (target[i], type(source[i][j]))
else: # normal python type
assert type(source[i]) == target[i], "invalid type: %s not %s" % (target[i], type(source[i]))
return True
[docs] @classmethod
def verifyType(self, source, target):
if hasattr(source, 'type'):
# source must be one of our base module types
if source.type == target:
return True
else: return False
elif type(source) == target:
return True
[docs] @classmethod
def getTypes(self, object, keys, _type=tuple):
if _type == tuple:
ret = []
else: ret = {}
# get the data
for i in keys:
if _type == tuple:
else: # dict
ret[ i ] = object.__annotations__[i]
# return data
if _type == tuple:
return tuple(ret)
return ret
Decorator to handle checking an algorithms inputs and validating that types
match. The only requirement other than structure def matching is that the type
associated with the elements match target type (both python and charm types).
Decorator to handle checking an algorithms outputs and validating that types
match. Similar to input, the only requirement other than structure def matching is that the type
associated with the elements match target type (both python and charm types).
[docs]class Output:
def __init__(self, *_types):
self._types = _types
self._type_len = len(_types)
self.check_first = True
if self._type_len > 1: self.check_first = False
#print("OUTPUT TYPE: ", self._types)
def __call__(self, func, *args):
def check_output(*args):
# we do not mask error raised by the function not related to types
output = func(*args)
# check the output
if self.check_first:
# situation where only one type is defined and it could be a single dict or list of many types,
# or a single object with one type
_res_type = type(self._types[0])
if _res_type in [list, dict]:
assert SchemeBase.verifyTypeStruct(output, self._types[0], _res_type), "invalid return type"
assert SchemeBase.verifyType(output, self._types[0]), "invalid return output for '%s'" % func.__name__
# situation where a list of types is defined and mirrors how we look at inputs
for i in range(0, self._type_len):
if type(self._types[i]) == dict:
assert SchemeBase.verifyTypeStruct(output[i], self._types[i]), "invalid return type"
elif type(self._types[i]) == tuple:
assert SchemeBase.verifyTypeStruct(output[i], self._types[i], list)
assert SchemeBase.verifyType(output[i], self._types[i]), "invalid return type"
except Exception as e:
return output
return check_output