Identity-Based Proxy Re-Encryption
| From: "M. Green, G. Ateniese Identity-Based Proxy Re-Encryption", Section 4.3.
| Published in: Applied Cryptography and Network Security. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, 2007
| Available from: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-540-72738-5_19
* type: proxy encryption (identity-based)
* setting: bilinear groups (symmetric)
:Authors: N. Fotiou
:Date: 11/2012
from charm.toolbox.pairinggroup import pc_element,ZR,G1,G2,GT,pair
from charm.core.math.integer import integer,bitsize, int2Bytes, randomBits
from charm.toolbox.hash_module import Hash
from charm.core.engine.util import objectToBytes
debug = False
[docs]class PreGA:
>>> from charm.toolbox.pairinggroup import PairingGroup,pc_element
>>> ID = "nikos fotiou"
>>> ID2 = "test user"
>>> msg = "hello world!!!!!"
>>> group = PairingGroup('SS512', secparam=1024)
>>> pre = PreGA(group)
>>> (master_secret_key, params) = pre.setup()
>>> id_secret_key = pre.keyGen(master_secret_key, ID)
>>> id2_secret_key = pre.keyGen(master_secret_key, ID2)
>>> ciphertext = pre.encrypt(params, ID, msg);
>>> pre.decryptFirstLevel(params,id_secret_key, ciphertext, ID)
b'hello world!!!!!'
>>> re_encryption_key = pre.rkGen(params,id_secret_key, ID, ID2)
>>> ciphertext2 = pre.reEncrypt(params, ID, re_encryption_key, ciphertext)
>>> pre.decryptSecondLevel(params,id2_secret_key,ID, ID2, ciphertext2)
b'hello world!!!!!'
def __init__(self, groupObj):
global group,h
group = groupObj
h = Hash(group) # use the default
[docs] def setup(self):
s = group.random(ZR)
g = group.random(G1)
# choose H1-H6 hash functions
msk = { 's':s }
params = { 'g':g, 'g_s':g**s}
print("Public parameters...")
print("Master secret key...")
return (msk, params)
[docs] def keyGen(self, msk, ID):
k = group.hash(ID,G1) ** msk['s']
skid = { 'skid':k }
print("Key for id => '%s'" % ID)
return skid
[docs] def encrypt(self, params, ID, M):
enc_M = integer(M)
if bitsize(enc_M)/8 > group.messageSize():
print("Message cannot be encoded.")
return None
sigma = group.random(GT)
r = h.hashToZr(sigma,M)
A = params['g'] ** r
B = sigma * pair(params['g_s'], group.hash(ID, G1) ** r)
C = enc_M ^ h.hashToZn(sigma)
C_ = {'A':A, 'B':B, 'C':C}
S = group.hash((ID, C_),G1) ** r
ciphertext = {'S':S,'C':C_}
print('r => %s' % r)
print('sigma => %s' % sigma)
print('enc_M => %s' % enc_M)
return ciphertext
[docs] def decryptFirstLevel(self, params, skid, cid, ID):
H = group.hash((ID, cid['C']), G1)
t = group.random(ZR)
sigma = cid['C']['B'] / (pair(cid['C']['A'], skid['skid'] * H ** t)/pair(params['g'] ** t, cid['S']))
m = cid['C']['C'] ^ h.hashToZn(sigma)
r = h.hashToZr(sigma,m)
if (cid['S'] != H**r) or (cid['C']['A'] != params['g'] ** r):
if debug: print("Decryption Failed")
return None
print('H => %s' % H)
print('t => %s' % t)
print('r => %s' % r)
print('sigma => %s' % sigma)
return int2Bytes(m)
[docs] def rkGen(self, params, skid, IDsrc, IDdest):
N = integer(randomBits(group.secparam))
K = pair(skid['skid'], group.hash(IDdest, G1))
print("\nRe-encryption key for id1 => '%s' to id2 => '%s'" % (IDsrc,IDdest))
print('N => %s' % N)
print('K => %s' % K)
return {'N':N, 'R':group.hash((K, IDsrc, IDdest, N), G1) * skid['skid']}
[docs] def reEncrypt(self, params, IDsrc, rk, cid):
H = group.hash((IDsrc, cid['C']), G1)
if pair(params['g'], cid['S']) != pair(H, cid['C']['A']):
if debug: print("Re-encryption Failed")
return None
t = group.random(ZR)
B_ = cid['C']['B'] / (pair(cid['C']['A'], rk['R'] * H ** t)/pair(params['g'] ** t, cid['S']))
print('H => %s' % H)
print('t => %s' % t)
print('B\' => %s' % B_)
return {'A':cid['C']['A'], 'B':B_, 'C':cid['C']['C'], 'IDsrc':IDsrc, 'N':rk['N']}
[docs] def decryptSecondLevel(self, params, skid, IDsrc, ID, cid):
K = pair(group.hash(IDsrc, G1), skid['skid'])
sigma = cid['B'] * pair(cid['A'], group.hash((K, IDsrc, ID, cid['N']), G1))
m = cid['C'] ^ h.hashToZn(sigma)
r = h.hashToZr(sigma,m)
if (cid['A'] != params['g'] ** r):
if debug: print("Decryption second level Failed")
return None
print('\nDecrypting Second Level...')
print('K => %s' % K)
print('sigma => %s' % sigma)
return int2Bytes(m)