'''David Naccache based Identity-Based Encryption
| From: "David Naccache Secure and Practical Identity-Based Encryption Section 4"
| Available from: http://eprint.iacr.org/2005/369.pdf
* type: encryption (identity-based)
* setting: bilinear groups (asymmetric)
:Authors: Gary Belvin
:Date: 06/2011
:Improved by: Fan Zhang(zfwise@gwu.edu), supported by GWU computer science department
:Date: 3/2013
1. e(g1,g2) is pre-calculated as part of public parameters.
2. g1 and g2 have been swapped. In the original scheme, signature happens in G2
but now, it happens in G1.
3. I stored U_z and u as part of mk. This will speed up the sign() a lot.
The trick is that, instead of doing exponential operation and then multiply
all together, I compute the exponent first and then do one exponential operation
from charm.toolbox.pairinggroup import PairingGroup,ZR,G1,G2,GT,pair
from charm.toolbox.PKSig import PKSig
from charm.toolbox.enum import Enum
from charm.toolbox.hash_module import Waters
import math
debug = False
[docs]class IBE_N04_Sig(PKSig):
>>> from charm.toolbox.pairinggroup import PairingGroup
>>> group = PairingGroup('SS512')
>>> waters = Waters(group)
>>> ibe = IBE_N04_Sig(group)
>>> (public_key, secret_key) = ibe.keygen()
>>> ID = "bob@example.com"
>>> msg = waters.hash("This is a test.")
>>> signature = ibe.sign(public_key, secret_key, msg)
>>> ibe.verify(public_key, msg, signature)
"""Implementation of David Naccahe Identity Based Encryption"""
def __init__(self, groupObj):
#PKSig.setProperty(self, secdef='IND_ID_CPA', assumption='DBDH', secmodel='Standard')
#, other={'id':ZR}
#message_space=[GT, 'KEM']
global group
group = groupObj
[docs] def keygen(self, l=32):
"""l is the security parameter
with l = 32, and the hash function at 256 bits = n * l with n = 8"""
global waters
g = group.random(G2) # generator for group G of prime order p
#hLen = sha1_len * 8
#int(math.floor(hLen / l))
sha2_byte_len = 32
hLen = sha2_byte_len * 8
n = int(math.floor(hLen / l))
waters = Waters(group, n, l, 'sha256')
alpha = group.random(ZR) #from Zp
g2 = g ** alpha
g1 = group.random(G1)
u = group.random(ZR)
uprime = g ** u
U_z = [group.random(ZR) for x in range(n)]
U = [g ** x for x in U_z]
pk = {'g':g, 'g1':g1, 'g2': g2, 'uPrime':uprime, 'U': U,
'n':n, 'l':l, 'egg': pair(g1, g2) }
mk = {'g1^alpha':g1 ** alpha, 'U_z':U_z, 'u':u} #master secret
if debug:
return (pk, mk)
[docs] def sign(self, pk, sk, m):
"""v = (v1, .., vn) is an identity"""
r = group.random(ZR)
u = sk['u']
for i in range(pk['n']):
u += sk['U_z'][i] * m[i]
d1 = sk['g1^alpha'] * (pk['g1'] ** (u * r))
d2 = pk['g1'] ** r
return {'d1': d1, 'd2':d2}
[docs] def verify(self, pk, msg, sig):
c3 = pk['uPrime']
for i in range(pk['n']):
c3 *= pk['U'][i] ** msg[i]
return pk['egg'] == (pair(sig['d1'], pk['g']) / pair(sig['d2'], c3))
[docs]def main():
groupObj = PairingGroup('SS512')
ibe = IBE_N04_Sig(groupObj)
waters = Waters(group)
(pk, sk) = ibe.keygen()
# represents public identity
M = "bob@example.com"
msg = waters.hash("This is a test.")
sig = ibe.sign(pk, sk, msg)
if debug:
print("original msg => '%s'" % M)
print("msg => '%s'" % msg)
print("sig => '%s'" % sig)
assert ibe.verify(pk, msg, sig), "Failed verification!"
if debug: print("Successful Verification!!! msg => '%s'" % msg)
if __name__ == '__main__':
debug = True