Hohenberger-Waters Stateful Signatures (RSA-based)
| From: "S. Hohenberger, B. Waters. Realizing Hash-and-Sign Signatures under Standard Assumptions", Section 3.
| Published in: Eurocrypt 2009
| Available from: http://eprint.iacr.org/2009/028.pdf
| Notes:
* type: signature (public key)
* setting: RSA
* assumption: RSA
:Author: J Ayo Akinyele/Christina Garman
:Date: 12/2011
:Status: Needs Improvement.
from charm.core.math.integer import integer,random,randomBits,isPrime,gcd,bitsize,serialize
from charm.toolbox.PKSig import PKSig
from charm.schemes.chamhash_rsa_hw09 import ChamHash_HW09
from charm.toolbox.conversion import Conversion
from charm.toolbox.specialprimes import BlumWilliamsInteger
import hmac, hashlib, math
debug = False
[docs]def SHA1(bytes1):
s1 = hashlib.new('sha1')
return s1.digest()
[docs]def randomQR(n):
return random(n) ** 2
[docs]class LogFunction:
def __init__(self, base=10):
self.base = base
def __getitem__(self, base):
return LogFunction(base)
def __call__(self, val):
return math.log(val, self.base)
log = LogFunction()
[docs]class Prf:
def __init__(self):
[docs] @classmethod
def keygen(self, bits):
return integer(randomBits(bits))
[docs] @classmethod
def eval(self, k, input1):
if type(k) == integer:
h = hmac.new(serialize(k), b'', hashlib.sha1)
h = hmac.new(serialize(integer(k)), b'', hashlib.sha1)
return Conversion.bytes2integer(h.hexdigest())
[docs]class BlumIntegerSquareRoot:
def __init__(self, p, q):
self.raisedToThePower = 1
self.p = p
self.q = q
[docs] def pow(self, modularInt):
p, q = self.p, self.q
result = integer(modularInt) % (p * q)
for repeat in range(self.raisedToThePower):
result = result ** (((p-1)*(q-1)+4)/8)
return result
def __pow__(self, power):
exp = BlumIntegerSquareRoot(self.p, self.q)
exp.raisedToThePower = power
return exp.pow(power)
[docs]class Sig_RSA_Stateless_HW09(PKSig):
This scheme is probablistic and thus time consuming, so we skip it
when running doctests.
#doctest: +SKIP
>>> pksig = Sig_RSA_Stateless_HW09() #doctest:+SKIP
>>> p = integer(13075790812874903063868976368194105132206964291400106069285054021531242344673657224376055832139406140158530256050580761865568307154219348003780027259560207) #doctest:+SKIP
>>> q = integer(12220150399144091059083151334113293594120344494042436487743750419696868216757186059428173175925369884682105191510729093971051869295857706815002710593321543) #doctest:+SKIP
>>> (public_key, secret_key) = pksig.keygen(1024, p, q) #doctest:+SKIP
>>> msg = SHA1(b'this is the message I want to sign.') #doctest:+SKIP
>>> signature = pksig.sign(public_key, secret_key, msg) #doctest:+SKIP
>>> pksig.verify(public_key, msg, signature) #doctest:+SKIP
def __init__(self, CH = ChamHash_HW09):
self.BWInt = BlumWilliamsInteger()
self.Prf = Prf()
self.ChameleonHash = CH()
[docs] def keygen(self, keyLength=1024, p=0, q=0):
# Generate a Blum-Williams integer N of 'key_length' bits with factorization p,q
if p == 0 or q == 0:
(p, q) = self.BWInt.generatePrimes(int(keyLength/2))
# Generate random u,h \in QR_N and a random c \in {0,1}^|N|
N = p * q
u = randomQR(N)
h = randomQR(N)
c = randomBits(keyLength)#PRNG_generate_bits(key_length)
K = self.Prf.keygen(keyLength)
self.state = 0
# Generate the Chameleon hash parameters. We do not need the secret params.
(L, secret) = self.ChameleonHash.paramgen(keyLength, p, q);
# Assemble the public and secret keys
pk = { 'length': keyLength, 'N': N, 'u': u, 'h': h, 'c': c, 'K': K, 'L': L }
sk = { 'p': p, 'q': q }
return (pk, sk);
[docs] def sign(self, pk, sk, message, s=0):
if debug: print("Sign...")
L, K, c, keyLength, u, h, N = pk['L'], pk['K'], pk['c'], pk['length'], pk['u'], pk['h'], pk['N']
p, q = sk['p'], sk['q']
# Use internal state counter if none was provided
if (s == 0):
s = self.state
self.state += 1
s += 1
# Hash the message using the chameleon hash under params L to obtain (x, r)
(x, r) = self.ChameleonHash.hash(L, message);
# Compute e = H_k(s) and check whether it's prime. If not, increment s and repeat.
phi_N = (p-1)*(q-1)
e = self.HW_hash(K, c, s, keyLength)
e1 = e % phi_N
e2 = e % N
while (not (isPrime(e2))) or (not gcd(e1, phi_N) == 1):
s += 1
e = self.HW_hash(K, c, s, keyLength)
e1 = e % phi_N
e2 = e % N
e = e1
# Compute B = SQRT(u^x * h)^ceil(log_2(s)) mod N
# Note that SQRT requires the factorization p, q
temp = ((u ** x) * h) % N
power = ((((p-1)*(q-1))+4)/8) ** (math.ceil(log[2](s)))
B = temp ** power
sigma1 = (B ** (e ** -1)) % N
# Update internal state counter and return sig = (sigma1, r, s)
self.state = s
return { 'sigma1':sigma1, 'r': r, 's': s, 'e':e }
[docs] def verify(self, pk, message, sig):
if debug: print("\nVERIFY\n\n")
sigma1, r, s, e = sig['sigma1'], sig['r'], sig['s'], sig['e']
K, L, c, keyLength, u, h, N = pk['K'], pk['L'], pk['c'], pk['length'], pk['u'], pk['h'], pk['N']
# Make sure that 0 < s < 2^{keylength/2}, else reject the signature
if not (0 < s and s < (2 ** (keyLength/2))):
return False
# Compute e = H_k(s) and reject the signature if it's not prime
ei = self.HW_hash(K, c, s, keyLength) % N
if not isPrime(ei):
if debug: print("ei not prime")
return False
# Compute Y = sigma1^{2*ceil(log2(s))}
s1 = integer(2 ** (math.ceil(log[2](s))))
Y = (sigma1 ** s1) % N
# Hash the mesage using the chameleon hash with fixed randomness r
(x, r2) = self.ChameleonHash.hash(L, message, r)
lhs = (Y ** ei) % N
rhs = ((u ** x) * h) % N
if debug:
print("lhs =>", lhs)
print("rhs =>", rhs)
# Verify that Y^e = (u^x h) mod N. If so, accept the signature
if lhs == rhs:
return True
# Default: reject the signature
return False
[docs] def HW_hash(self, key, c, input, keyLen):
C = integer(c)
input_size = bitsize(c)
input_b = Conversion.IP2OS(input, input_size)
# Return c XOR PRF(k, input), where the output of PRF is keyLength bits
result = C ^ self.Prf.eval(key, input_b)
return result