Source code for pkenc_gm82

Goldwasser-Micali Public Key Encryption Scheme (Quadratic Residuosity problem)

| From: "S. Goldwasser, S. Micali: Probabilistic encryption and how to play
|        mental poker keeping secret all partial information"
| Published in: 14th Symposium on Theory of Computing (1982)
| Available from:
| Notes:

* type:          encryption (public key)
* setting:       Integer
* assumption:    Quadratic Residuosity

:Authors: Guillermo Ramos
:Date: 01/2015

from charm.core.math.integer import legendre, gcd
from charm.toolbox.integergroup import RSAGroup, integer
from charm.toolbox.PKEnc import PKEnc

# Upper bound to the number of rounds the keygen is able to make
# to search for a quadratic non-residue
maxtimes = 30

# Is x a quadratic residue of N = p1*p2?
[docs]def isResidue(x, p1, p2): return legendre(x, p1) == 1 or legendre(x, p2) == 1
# Goldwasser-Micali cryptosystem
[docs]class GM82(PKEnc): """ >>> gm82 = GM82() >>> (pk, sk) = gm82.keygen(512) >>> zero = gm82.encrypt(pk, 0) >>> one = gm82.encrypt(pk, 1) >>> gm82.decrypt(sk, zero) 0 >>> gm82.decrypt(sk, one) 1 >>> gm82.decrypt(sk, gm82.xor(pk, zero, zero)) 0 >>> gm82.decrypt(sk, gm82.xor(pk, zero, one)) 1 >>> gm82.decrypt(sk, gm82.xor(pk, one, zero)) 1 >>> gm82.decrypt(sk, gm82.xor(pk, one, one)) 0 """ def __init__(self): PKEnc.__init__(self) = RSAGroup()
[docs] def keygen(self, secparam): # Find a random quadratic non-residue in the group x = times = 1 while times < maxtimes and isResidue(x,, x = times += 1 # If we are not able to find a quadratic non-residue after 'maxtimes' # trials, abort and output error if times == maxtimes: print("ERROR: non-residue not found after {} trials.".format(times)) return None pk = (, x) sk = (, return (pk, sk)
[docs] def encrypt(self, pk, m): (n, x) = pk y = while gcd(n, y) != 1: y = if m == 0: return y**2 % n else: return y**2 * x % n
[docs] def decrypt(self, sk, c): (p, q) = sk return 0 if isResidue(c, p, q) else 1
# Homomorphic XOR over ciphertexts
[docs] def xor(self, pk, c1, c2): (n, _) = pk return (c1 * c2) % n