Source code for pkenc_elgamal85

El Gamal Public Key Encryption Scheme (Decisional Diffie-Hellman Assumption in groups of prime order)

| Available from:
| Notes: 

* type:          encryption (public key)
* setting:       DDH-hard prime order group
* assumption:    DDH

:Authors: J Ayo Akinyele
:Date:           3/2011

from charm.toolbox.PKEnc import PKEnc
from charm.toolbox.ecgroup import G

debug = False
[docs]class ElGamalCipher(dict): def __init__(self, ct): if type(ct) != dict: assert False, "Not a dictionary!" if not set(ct).issubset(['c1', 'c2']): assert False, "'c1','c2' keys not present." dict.__init__(self, ct) def __add__(self, other): if type(other) == int: lhs_c1 = dict.__getitem__(self, 'c1') lhs_c2 = dict.__getitem__(self, 'c2') return ElGamalCipher({'c1':lhs_c1, 'c2':lhs_c2 + other}) else: pass def __mul__(self, other): if type(other) == int: lhs_c1 = dict.__getitem__(self, 'c1') lhs_c2 = dict.__getitem__(self, 'c2') return ElGamalCipher({'c1':lhs_c1, 'c2':lhs_c2 * other}) else: lhs_c1 = dict.__getitem__(self, 'c1') rhs_c1 = dict.__getitem__(other, 'c1') lhs_c2 = dict.__getitem__(self, 'c2') rhs_c2 = dict.__getitem__(other, 'c2') return ElGamalCipher({'c1':lhs_c1 * rhs_c1, 'c2':lhs_c2 * rhs_c2}) return None
[docs]class ElGamal(PKEnc): """ >>> from charm.toolbox.eccurve import prime192v2 >>> from charm.toolbox.ecgroup import ECGroup >>> groupObj = ECGroup(prime192v2) >>> el = ElGamal(groupObj) >>> (public_key, secret_key) = el.keygen() >>> msg = b"hello world!12345678" >>> cipher_text = el.encrypt(public_key, msg) >>> decrypted_msg = el.decrypt(public_key, secret_key, cipher_text) >>> decrypted_msg == msg True >>> from charm.toolbox.integergroup import IntegerGroupQ, integer >>> p = integer(148829018183496626261556856344710600327516732500226144177322012998064772051982752493460332138204351040296264880017943408846937646702376203733370973197019636813306480144595809796154634625021213611577190781215296823124523899584781302512549499802030946698512327294159881907114777803654670044046376468983244647367) >>> q = integer(74414509091748313130778428172355300163758366250113072088661006499032386025991376246730166069102175520148132440008971704423468823351188101866685486598509818406653240072297904898077317312510606805788595390607648411562261949792390651256274749901015473349256163647079940953557388901827335022023188234491622323683) >>> groupObj = IntegerGroupQ() >>> el = ElGamal(groupObj, p, q) >>> (public_key, secret_key) = el.keygen() >>> msg = b"hello world!" >>> cipher_text = el.encrypt(public_key, msg) >>> decrypted_msg = el.decrypt(public_key, secret_key, cipher_text) >>> decrypted_msg == msg True """ def __init__(self, groupObj, p=0, q=0): PKEnc.__init__(self) global group group = groupObj if group.groupSetting() == 'integer': group.p, group.q, group.r = p, q, 2
[docs] def keygen(self, secparam=1024): if group.groupSetting() == 'integer': if group.p == 0 or group.q == 0: group.paramgen(secparam) g = group.randomGen() elif group.groupSetting() == 'elliptic_curve': g = group.random(G) # x is private, g is public param x = group.random(); h = g ** x if debug: print('Public parameters...') print('h => %s' % h) print('g => %s' % g) print('Secret key...') print('x => %s' % x) pk = {'g':g, 'h':h } sk = {'x':x} return (pk, sk)
[docs] def encrypt(self, pk, M): y = group.random() c1 = pk['g'] ** y s = pk['h'] ** y # check M and make sure it's right size c2 = group.encode(M) * s return ElGamalCipher({'c1':c1, 'c2':c2})
[docs] def decrypt(self, pk, sk, c): s = c['c1'] ** sk['x'] m = c['c2'] * (s ** -1) if group.groupSetting() == 'integer': M = group.decode(m % group.p) elif group.groupSetting() == 'elliptic_curve': M = group.decode(m) if debug: print('m => %s' % m) if debug: print('dec M => %s' % M) return M