This class is adapted from the SecretUtil class in charm/toolbox/secretutil.py.
It provides the following methods:
- createPolicy: convert a Boolean formula encoded as a string into a policy represented like a tree;
- convertPolicyToMSP: convert a policy into a monotone span program (MSP);
- getCoefficients: given a policy, returns a coefficient for every attribute;
- strip_index: remove the index from an attribute (i.e., x_y -> x);
- prune: determine whether a given set of attributes satisfies the policy
(returns false if it doesn't, otherwise a good enough subset of attributes);
- getAttributeList: retrieve the attributes that occur in a policy tree in order (left to right).
from charm.core.math.pairing import ZR
from charm.toolbox.policytree import *
[docs]class MSP:
def __init__(self, groupObj, verbose=True):
self.len_longest_row = 1
self.group = groupObj
[docs] def createPolicy(self, policy_string):
Convert a Boolean formula represented as a string into a policy represented like a tree.
assert type(policy_string) in [str, unicode], "invalid type for policy_string"
if(type(policy_string) == str):
policy_string = unicode(policy_string)
parser = PolicyParser()
policy_obj = parser.parse(policy_string)
_dictCount, _dictLabel = {}, {}
parser.findDuplicates(policy_obj, _dictCount)
for i in _dictCount.keys():
if _dictCount[i] > 1: _dictLabel[i] = 0
parser.labelDuplicates(policy_obj, _dictLabel)
return policy_obj
[docs] def convert_policy_to_msp(self, tree):
Convert a policy into a monotone span program (MSP)
represented by a dictionary with (attribute, row) pairs
root_vector = [1]
# listOfAttributeRowPairs = {}
self.len_longest_row = 1
return self._convert_policy_to_msp(tree, root_vector)
def _convert_policy_to_msp(self, subtree, curr_vector):
Given a vector for the current node,
returns the vectors for its children in the form of a dictionary
if subtree is None:
return None
type = subtree.getNodeType()
if type == OpType.ATTR:
# print ('ATTR: ', subtree, subtree.getAttributeAndIndex(), currVector)
return {subtree.getAttributeAndIndex(): curr_vector}
if type == OpType.OR:
left_list = self._convert_policy_to_msp(subtree.getLeft(), curr_vector)
right_list = self._convert_policy_to_msp(subtree.getRight(), curr_vector)
# print ('OR l: ', leftList, 'r: ', rightList)
return left_list
if type == OpType.AND:
length = len(curr_vector)
left_vector = curr_vector + [0] * (self.len_longest_row - length) + [1]
right_vector = [0] * self.len_longest_row + [-1] # [0]*k creates a vector of k zeroes
# extendedVector = currVector + [0]*(self.lengthOfLongestRow-length)
# leftVector = extendedVector + [1]
# rightVector = extendedVector + [2] # [0]*k creates a vector of k zeroes
self.len_longest_row += 1
left_list = self._convert_policy_to_msp(subtree.getLeft(), left_vector)
right_list = self._convert_policy_to_msp(subtree.getRight(), right_vector)
# print ('AND l: ', leftList, 'r: ', rightList)
return left_list
return None
[docs] def getCoefficients(self, tree):
Given a policy, returns a coefficient for every attribute.
coeffs = {}
self._getCoefficientsDict(tree, coeffs)
return coeffs
[docs] def recoverCoefficients(self, list):
recovers the coefficients over a binary tree.
coeff = {}
list2 = [self.group.init(ZR, i) for i in list]
for i in list2:
result = 1
for j in list2:
if not (i == j):
# lagrange basis poly
result *= (0 - j) / (i - j)
# print("coeff '%d' => '%s'" % (i, result))
coeff[int(i)] = result
return coeff
def _getCoefficientsDict(self, tree, coeff_list, coeff=1):
recover coefficient over a binary tree where possible node types are OR = (1 of 2)
and AND = (2 of 2) secret sharing. The leaf nodes are attributes and the coefficients are
recorded in a coeff-list dictionary.
if tree:
node = tree.getNodeType()
if (node == OpType.AND):
this_coeff = self.recoverCoefficients([1, 2])
# left child => coeff[1], right child => coeff[2]
self._getCoefficientsDict(tree.getLeft(), coeff_list, coeff * this_coeff[1])
self._getCoefficientsDict(tree.getRight(), coeff_list, coeff * this_coeff[2])
elif (node == OpType.OR):
this_coeff = self.recoverCoefficients([1])
self._getCoefficientsDict(tree.getLeft(), coeff_list, coeff * this_coeff[1])
self._getCoefficientsDict(tree.getRight(), coeff_list, coeff * this_coeff[1])
elif (node == OpType.ATTR):
attr = tree.getAttributeAndIndex()
coeff_list[attr] = coeff
return None
[docs] def strip_index(self, node_str):
Remove the index from an attribute (i.e., x_y -> x).
if node_str.find('_') != -1:
return node_str.split('_')[0]
return node_str
[docs] def prune(self, policy, attributes):
Determine whether a given set of attributes satisfies the policy
(returns false if it doesn't, otherwise a good enough subset of attributes).
parser = PolicyParser()
return parser.prune(policy, attributes)
[docs] def getAttributeList(self, Node):
Retrieve the attributes that occur in a policy tree in order (left to right).
aList = []
self._getAttributeList(Node, aList)
return aList
def _getAttributeList(self, Node, List):
if (Node == None):
return None
# V, L, R
if (Node.getNodeType() == OpType.ATTR):
List.append(Node.getAttributeAndIndex()) # .getAttribute()
self._getAttributeList(Node.getLeft(), List)
self._getAttributeList(Node.getRight(), List)
return None