Source code for hash_module

import charm.core.crypto.cryptobase
from charm.core.math.pairing import pairing,pc_element,ZR
from charm.core.math.integer import integer,int2Bytes
from charm.toolbox.conversion import Conversion
from charm.toolbox.bitstring import Bytes
import hashlib, base64

[docs]class Hash(): def __init__(self, pairingElement=None, htype='sha256', integerElement=None): self.hash_type = htype # instance of PairingGroup = pairingElement
[docs] def hashToZn(self, value): if type(value) == pc_element: h = h.update( #print "digest => %s" % h.hexdigest() # get raw bytes of digest and hash to Zr val = h.digest() return integer(int(, ZR))) # do something related to that if type(value) == integer: str_value = int2Bytes(value) #print("str_value =>", str_value) #val =, ZR) #print("hash =>", val) return integer(int(, ZR))) return None
# takes two arbitrary strings and hashes to an element of Zr
[docs] def hashToZr(self, *args): if isinstance(args, tuple): #print("Hashing =>", args) strs = "" for i in args: if type(i) == str: strs += str(base64.encodebytes(bytes(i, 'utf8'))) elif type(i) == bytes: strs += str(base64.encodebytes(i)) elif type(i) == integer: strs += str(base64.encodebytes(int2Bytes(i))) elif type(i) == pc_element: strs += str(base64.encodebytes( if len(strs) > 0: return, ZR) return None
""" Waters Hash technique: how to hash in standard model. Default - len=8, bits=32 ==> 256-bits total (for SHA-256) For SHA1, len=5 bits=32 ==> 160-bits total """
[docs]class Waters: """ >>> from charm.toolbox.pairinggroup import * >>> from charm.toolbox.hash_module import Waters >>> group = PairingGroup("SS512") >>> waters = Waters(group, length=8, bits=32) >>> a = waters.hash("") """ def __init__(self, group, length=8, bits=32, hash_func='sha256'): self._group = group self._length = length self._bitsize = bits self.hash_function = hash_func self._hashObj = self.hashLen = len(self._hashObj.digest())
[docs] def sha2(self, message): h = self._hashObj.copy() h.update(bytes(message, 'utf-8')) return Bytes(h.digest())
[docs] def hash(self, strID): '''Hash the identity string and break it up in to l bit pieces''' assert type(strID) == str, "invalid input type" hash = self.sha2(strID) val = Conversion.OS2IP(hash) #Convert to integer format bstr = bin(val)[2:] #cut out the 0b header v=[] for i in range(self._length): #z must be greater than or equal to 1 binsubstr = bstr[self._bitsize*i : self._bitsize*(i+1)] intval = int(binsubstr, 2) intelement = self._group.init(ZR, intval) v.append(intelement) return v