from charm.core.math.elliptic_curve import elliptic_curve,ec_element,ZR,G,init,random,order,getGenerator,bitsize,serialize,deserialize,hashEC,encode,decode,getXY
import charm.core.math.elliptic_curve as ecc
except Exception as err:
[docs]class ECGroup():
def __init__(self, builtin_cv):
self.ec_group = elliptic_curve(nid=builtin_cv)
self.param = builtin_cv
self._verbose = True
def __str__(self):
return str(self.ec_group)
[docs] def order(self):
"""returns the order of the group"""
return order(self.ec_group)
[docs] def bitsize(self):
"""returns the bitsize for encoding messages in the group"""
return bitsize(self.ec_group)
[docs] def paramgen(self, secparam):
return None
[docs] def groupSetting(self):
return 'elliptic_curve'
[docs] def groupType(self):
return self.param
[docs] def init(self, _type=ZR):
"""initializes an object with a specified type and value"""
return init(self.ec_group, _type)
[docs] def random(self, _type=ZR):
"""selects a random element in ZR or G"""
if _type == ZR or _type == G:
return random(self.ec_group, _type)
return None
[docs] def encode(self, message, include_ctr=False):
"""encode arbitrary string as a group element. Max size is dependent on the EC group order"""
return encode(self.ec_group, message, include_ctr)
[docs] def decode(self, msg_bytes, include_ctr=False):
"""decode a group element into a string"""
return decode(self.ec_group, msg_bytes, include_ctr)
[docs] def serialize(self, object):
"""serializes a pairing object into bytes"""
return serialize(object)
[docs] def deserialize(self, bytes_object):
"""deserializes into a pairing object"""
return deserialize(self.ec_group, bytes_object)
# needs work to iterate over tuple
[docs] def hash(self, args, target_type=ZR):
"""hashes objects into ZR or G"""
if isinstance(args, tuple):
s = bytes()
for i in args:
if type(i) == ec_element:
s += serialize(i)
elif type(i) == str:
s += bytes(str(i), 'utf8')
elif type(i) == bytes:
s += i
print("unexpected type: ", type(i))
# consider other types
#print("s => %s" % s)
assert len(s) != 0, "hash input is empty."
return hashEC(self.ec_group, str(s), target_type)
elif type(args) == ec_element:
msg = str(serialize(args))
return hashEC(self.ec_group, msg, target_type)
elif type(args) in [str, bytes]:
return hashEC(self.ec_group, args, target_type)
raise Exception("ECGroup - invalid input for hash")
[docs] def zr(self, point):
"""get the X coordinate only"""
if type(point) == ec_element:
return getXY(self.ec_group, point, False)
return None
[docs] def coordinates(self, point):
"""get the X and Y coordinates of an EC point"""
if type(point) == ec_element:
return getXY(self.ec_group, point, True)
[docs] def debug(self, data, prefix=None):
if type(data) == dict and self._verbose:
for k,v in data.items():
elif type(data) == list and self._verbose:
for i in range(0, len(data)):
print(prefix, (i+1),':',data[i])
elif type(data) == str and self._verbose:
return None
[docs] def InitBenchmark(self):
"""initiates the benchmark state"""
return ecc.InitBenchmark(self.ec_group)
[docs] def StartBenchmark(self, options):
"""starts the benchmark with any of these options:
RealTime, CpuTime, Mul, Div, Add, Sub, Exp, Granular"""
return ecc.StartBenchmark(self.ec_group, options)
[docs] def EndBenchmark(self):
"""ends an ongoing benchmark"""
return ecc.EndBenchmark(self.ec_group)
[docs] def GetGeneralBenchmarks(self):
"""retrieves benchmark count for all group operations"""
return ecc.GetGeneralBenchmarks(self.ec_group)
[docs] def GetGranularBenchmarks(self):
"""retrieves group operation count per type: ZR and G"""
return ecc.GetGranularBenchmarks(self.ec_group)
[docs] def GetBenchmark(self, option):
"""retrieves benchmark results for any of these options:
RealTime, CpuTime, Mul, Div, Add, Sub, Exp, Granular"""
return ecc.GetBenchmark(self.ec_group, option)