Source code for dabe_aw11

Lewko-Waters Decentralized Attribute-Based Encryption 
| Lewko, Allison, and Brent Waters, "Decentralizing Attribute-Based Encryption.", Appendix D
| Published in: Eurocrypt 2011
| Available from:

* type:           encryption (identity-based)
* setting:        bilinear groups (asymmetric)

:Authors:    Gary Belvin
:Date:           06/2011 

from charm.toolbox.pairinggroup import PairingGroup,ZR,G1,G2,GT,pair
from charm.toolbox.secretutil import SecretUtil
from charm.toolbox.ABEncMultiAuth import ABEncMultiAuth

debug = False
[docs]class Dabe(ABEncMultiAuth): """ Decentralized Attribute-Based Encryption by Lewko and Waters >>> group = PairingGroup('SS512') >>> dabe = Dabe(group) >>> public_parameters = dabe.setup() >>> auth_attrs= ['ONE', 'TWO', 'THREE', 'FOUR'] #setup an authority >>> (master_secret_key, master_public_key) = dabe.authsetup(public_parameters, auth_attrs) Setup a user and give him some keys >>> ID, secret_keys = "bob", {} >>> usr_attrs = ['THREE', 'ONE', 'TWO'] >>> for i in usr_attrs: dabe.keygen(public_parameters, master_secret_key, i, ID, secret_keys) >>> msg = group.random(GT) >>> policy = '((one or three) and (TWO or FOUR))' >>> cipher_text = dabe.encrypt(public_parameters, master_public_key, msg, policy) >>> decrypted_msg = dabe.decrypt(public_parameters, secret_keys, cipher_text) >>> decrypted_msg == msg True """ def __init__(self, groupObj): ABEncMultiAuth.__init__(self) global util, group util = SecretUtil(groupObj, verbose=False) #Create Secret Sharing Scheme group = groupObj #:Prime order group #Another comment
[docs] def setup(self): '''Global Setup''' #:In global setup, a bilinear group G of prime order p is chosen #:The global public parameters, GP and p, and a generator g of G. A random oracle H maps global identities GID to elements of G #:group contains #:the prime order p is contained somewhere within the group object g = group.random(G1) #: The oracle that maps global identities GID onto elements of G #:H = lambda str: g** group.hash(str) H = lambda x: group.hash(x, G1) GP = {'g':g, 'H': H} return GP
[docs] def authsetup(self, GP, attributes): '''Authority Setup for a given set of attributes''' #For each attribute i belonging to the authority, the authority chooses two random exponents, #alpha_i, y_i and publishes PK={e(g,g)^alpha_i, g^y_i} for each attribute #it keeps SK = {alpha_i, y_i} as its secret key SK = {} #dictionary of {s: {alpha_i, y_i}} PK = {} #dictionary of {s: {e(g,g)^alpha_i, g^y}} for i in attributes: #TODO: Is ZR an appropriate choice for a random element in Zp? alpha_i, y_i = group.random(), group.random() e_gg_alpha_i = pair(GP['g'],GP['g']) ** alpha_i g_y_i = GP['g'] ** y_i SK[i.upper()] = {'alpha_i': alpha_i, 'y_i': y_i} PK[i.upper()] = {'e(gg)^alpha_i': e_gg_alpha_i, 'g^y_i': g_y_i} if(debug): print("Authority Setup for %s" % attributes) print("SK = {alpha_i, y_i}") print(SK) print("PK = {e(g,g) ^ alpha_i, g ^ y_i}") print(PK) return (SK, PK)
[docs] def keygen(self, gp, sk, i, gid, pkey): '''Create a key for GID on attribute i belonging to authority sk sk is the private key for the releveant authority i is the attribute to give bob pkey is bob's private key dictionary, to which the appropriate private key is added ''' #To create a key for GID for attribute i belonging to an authority, the authority computes K_{i,GID} = g^alpha_i * H(GID)^y_ h = gp['H'](gid) K = (gp['g'] ** sk[i.upper()]['alpha_i']) * (h ** sk[i.upper()]['y_i']) pkey[i.upper()] = {'k': K} pkey['gid'] = gid if(debug): print("Key gen for %s on %s" % (gid, i)) print("H(GID): '%s'" % h) print("K = g^alpha_i * H(GID) ^ y_i: %s" % K) return None
[docs] def encrypt(self, gp, pk, M, policy_str): '''Encrypt''' #M is a group element #pk is a dictionary with all the attributes of all authorities put together. #This is legal because no attribute can be shared by more than one authority #{i: {'e(gg)^alpha_i: , 'g^y_i'} s = group.random() w = group.init(ZR, 0) egg_s = pair(gp['g'],gp['g']) ** s C0 = M * egg_s C1, C2, C3 = {}, {}, {} #Parse the policy string into a tree policy = util.createPolicy(policy_str) sshares = util.calculateSharesList(s, policy) #Shares of the secret wshares = util.calculateSharesList(w, policy) #Shares of 0 wshares = dict([(x[0].getAttributeAndIndex(), x[1]) for x in wshares]) sshares = dict([(x[0].getAttributeAndIndex(), x[1]) for x in sshares]) for attr, s_share in sshares.items(): k_attr = util.strip_index(attr) w_share = wshares[attr] r_x = group.random() C1[attr] = (pair(gp['g'],gp['g']) ** s_share) * (pk[k_attr]['e(gg)^alpha_i'] ** r_x) C2[attr] = gp['g'] ** r_x C3[attr] = (pk[k_attr]['g^y_i'] ** r_x) * (gp['g'] ** w_share) return { 'C0':C0, 'C1':C1, 'C2':C2, 'C3':C3, 'policy':policy_str }
[docs] def decrypt(self, gp, sk, ct): '''Decrypt a ciphertext SK is the user's private key dictionary {attr: { xxx , xxx }} ''' usr_attribs = list(sk.keys()) usr_attribs.remove('gid') policy = util.createPolicy(ct['policy']) pruned = util.prune(policy, usr_attribs) if pruned == False: raise Exception("Don't have the required attributes for decryption!") coeffs = util.getCoefficients(policy) h_gid = gp['H'](sk['gid']) #find H(GID) egg_s = 1 for i in pruned: x = i.getAttributeAndIndex() y = i.getAttribute() num = ct['C1'][x] * pair(h_gid, ct['C3'][x]) dem = pair(sk[y]['k'], ct['C2'][x]) egg_s *= ( (num / dem) ** coeffs[x] ) if(debug): print("e(gg)^s: %s" % egg_s) return ct['C0'] / egg_s
[docs]def main(): groupObj = PairingGroup('SS512') dabe = Dabe(groupObj) GP = dabe.setup() #Setup an authority auth_attrs= ['ONE', 'TWO', 'THREE', 'FOUR'] (SK, PK) = dabe.authsetup(GP, auth_attrs) if debug: print("Authority SK") if debug: print(SK) #Setup a user and give him some keys gid, K = "bob", {} usr_attrs = ['THREE', 'ONE', 'TWO'] for i in usr_attrs: dabe.keygen(GP, SK, i, gid, K) if debug: print('User credential list: %s' % usr_attrs) if debug: print("\nSecret key:") if debug: groupObj.debug(K) #Encrypt a random element in GT m = groupObj.random(GT) policy = '((one or three) and (TWO or FOUR))' if debug: print('Acces Policy: %s' % policy) CT = dabe.encrypt(GP, PK, m, policy) if debug: print("\nCiphertext...") if debug: groupObj.debug(CT) orig_m = dabe.decrypt(GP, K, CT) assert m == orig_m, 'FAILED Decryption!!!' if debug: print('Successful Decryption!')
if __name__ == '__main__': debug = True main()