Xuanxia Yao, Zhi Chen, Ye Tian
| From: A lightweight attribute-based encryption scheme for the Internet of things
| Published in: Future Generation Computer Systems
| Available From: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167739X14002039
| Notes:
* type: key-policy attribute-based encryption (public key)
* setting: No Pairing
:Authors: artjomb
:Date: 10/2014
from charm.toolbox.pairinggroup import PairingGroup,ZR,G1,G2,GT,pair
from charm.toolbox.secretutil import SecretUtil
from charm.toolbox.symcrypto import SymmetricCryptoAbstraction
from charm.toolbox.ABEnc import ABEnc
from charm.schemes.abenc.abenc_lsw08 import KPabe
from charm.core.math.pairing import hashPair as extractor
from time import clock
debug = False
[docs]class EKPabe(ABEnc):
>>> from charm.toolbox.pairinggroup import PairingGroup,GT
>>> group = PairingGroup('MNT224')
>>> kpabe = EKPabe(group)
>>> attributes = [ 'ONE', 'TWO', 'THREE', 'FOUR' ]
>>> (master_public_key, master_key) = kpabe.setup(attributes)
>>> policy = '(ONE or THREE) and (THREE or TWO)'
>>> secret_key = kpabe.keygen(master_public_key, master_key, policy)
>>> msg = b"Some Random Message"
>>> cipher_text = kpabe.encrypt(master_public_key, msg, attributes)
>>> decrypted_msg = kpabe.decrypt(cipher_text, secret_key)
>>> decrypted_msg == msg
def __init__(self, groupObj, verbose=False):
global group, util
group = groupObj
util = SecretUtil(group, verbose)
[docs] def setup(self, attributes):
s = group.random(ZR)
g = group.random(G1)
self.attributeSecrets = {}
self.attribute = {}
for attr in attributes:
si = group.random(ZR)
self.attributeSecrets[attr] = si
self.attribute[attr] = g**si
return (g**s, s) # (pk, mk)
[docs] def keygen(self, pk, mk, policy_str):
policy = util.createPolicy(policy_str)
attr_list = util.getAttributeList(policy)
s = mk
shares = util.calculateSharesDict(s, policy)
d = {}
D = { 'policy': policy_str, 'Du': d }
for x in attr_list:
y = util.strip_index(x)
d[y] = shares[x]/self.attributeSecrets[y]
if debug: print(str(y) + " d[y] " + str(d[y]))
if debug: print("Access Policy for key: %s" % policy)
if debug: print("Attribute list: %s" % attr_list)
return D
[docs] def encrypt(self, pk, M, attr_list):
if debug: print('Encryption Algorithm...')
k = group.random(ZR);
Cs = pk ** k
Ci = {}
for attr in attr_list:
Ci[attr] = self.attribute[attr] ** k
symcrypt = SymmetricCryptoAbstraction(extractor(Cs))
C = symcrypt.encrypt(M)
return { 'C': C, 'Ci': Ci, 'attributes': attr_list }
[docs] def decrypt(self, C, D):
policy = util.createPolicy(D['policy'])
attrs = util.prune(policy, C['attributes'])
if attrs == False:
return False
coeff = util.getCoefficients(policy)
Z = {}
prodT = 1
for i in range(len(attrs)):
x = attrs[i].getAttribute()
y = attrs[i].getAttributeAndIndex()
Z[y] = C['Ci'][x] ** D['Du'][x]
prodT *= Z[y] ** coeff[y]
symcrypt = SymmetricCryptoAbstraction(extractor(prodT))
return symcrypt.decrypt(C['C'])
[docs]def main():
groupObj = PairingGroup('MNT224')
kpabe = EKPabe(groupObj)
attributes = [ 'ONE', 'TWO', 'THREE', 'FOUR' ]
(pk, mk) = kpabe.setup(attributes)
# policy = '(ONE or THREE) and (THREE or TWO)'
policy = 'THREE and (ONE or TWO)'
msg = b"Some Random Message"
mykey = kpabe.keygen(pk, mk, policy)
if debug: print("Encrypt under these attributes: ", attributes)
ciphertext = kpabe.encrypt(pk, msg, attributes)
if debug: print(ciphertext)
rec_msg = kpabe.decrypt(ciphertext, mykey)
assert rec_msg
if debug: print("rec_msg=%s" % str(rec_msg))
assert msg == rec_msg
if debug: print("Successful Decryption!")
[docs]def benchmark():
groupObj1 = PairingGroup('MNT224')
groupObj2 = PairingGroup('MNT224')
ekpabe = EKPabe(groupObj1)
kpabe = KPabe(groupObj2)
t1_s = 0
t1_k = 0
t1_e = 0
t1_d = 0
t2_s = 0
t2_k = 0
t2_e = 0
t2_d = 0
attributes = [ 'ONE', 'TWO', 'THREE', 'FOUR' ]
policy = 'THREE and (ONE or TWO)'
msg1 = b"Some Random Message"
msg2 = groupObj2.random(GT)
for b in range(4):
start = clock()
(epk, emk) = ekpabe.setup(attributes)
t1_s += clock() - start
start = clock()
(pk, mk) = kpabe.setup()
t2_s += clock() - start
start = clock()
emykey = ekpabe.keygen(epk, emk, policy)
t1_k += clock() - start
start = clock()
mykey = kpabe.keygen(pk, mk, policy)
t2_k += clock() - start
for i in range(50):
start = clock()
eciphertext = ekpabe.encrypt(epk, msg1, attributes)
t1_e += clock() - start
start = clock()
ciphertext = kpabe.encrypt(pk, msg2, attributes)
t2_e += clock() - start
start = clock()
erec_msg = ekpabe.decrypt(eciphertext, emykey)
t1_d += clock() - start
start = clock()
rec_msg = kpabe.decrypt(ciphertext, mykey)
t2_d += clock() - start
assert msg1 == erec_msg
assert msg2 == rec_msg
print ("yct14 s=%s k=%s e=%s d=%s" % (t1_s, t1_k, t1_e, t1_d))
print ("lsw08 s=%s k=%s e=%s d=%s" % (t2_s, t2_k, t2_e, t2_d))
# Result in VM:
# yct14 s=0.1 k=0.02 e=3.44 d=2.91
# lsw08 s=0.42 k=0.41 e=10.32 d=21.25
if __name__ == "__main__":
# debug = True
# main()