Source code for abenc_waters09

Brent Waters (Pairing-based)
| From: "Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption: An Expressive, Efficient, and Provably Secure Realization", Appendix C.
| Published in: 2008
| Available from:
| Notes: Security Assumption: parallel q-DBDHE. The sole disadvantage of this scheme is the high number of pairings
| that must be computed during the decryption process (2 + N) for N attributes mathing in the key.

* type:            ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption (public key)
* setting:        Pairing

:Authors:    J Ayo Akinyele
:Date:            11/2010
from charm.toolbox.pairinggroup import PairingGroup,ZR,G1,G2,GT,pair
from charm.toolbox.secretutil import SecretUtil
from charm.toolbox.ABEnc import ABEnc

debug = False
[docs]class CPabe09(ABEnc): """ >>> from charm.toolbox.pairinggroup import PairingGroup,GT >>> group = PairingGroup('SS512') >>> cpabe = CPabe09(group) >>> msg = group.random(GT) >>> (master_secret_key, master_public_key) = cpabe.setup() >>> policy = '((ONE or THREE) and (TWO or FOUR))' >>> attr_list = ['THREE', 'ONE', 'TWO'] >>> secret_key = cpabe.keygen(master_public_key, master_secret_key, attr_list) >>> cipher_text = cpabe.encrypt(master_public_key, msg, policy) >>> decrypted_msg = cpabe.decrypt(master_public_key, secret_key, cipher_text) >>> decrypted_msg == msg True """ def __init__(self, groupObj): ABEnc.__init__(self) global util, group util = SecretUtil(groupObj, debug) group = groupObj
[docs] def setup(self): g1, g2 = group.random(G1), group.random(G2) alpha, a = group.random(), group.random() e_gg_alpha = pair(g1,g2) ** alpha msk = {'g1^alpha':g1 ** alpha, 'g2^alpha':g2 ** alpha} pk = {'g1':g1, 'g2':g2, 'e(gg)^alpha':e_gg_alpha, 'g1^a':g1 ** a, 'g2^a':g2 ** a} return (msk, pk)
[docs] def keygen(self, pk, msk, attributes): t = group.random() K = msk['g2^alpha'] * (pk['g2^a'] ** t) L = pk['g2'] ** t k_x = [group.hash(s, G1) ** t for s in attributes] K_x = {} for i in range(0, len(k_x)): K_x[ attributes[i] ] = k_x[i] key = { 'K':K, 'L':L, 'K_x':K_x, 'attributes':attributes } return key
[docs] def encrypt(self, pk, M, policy_str): # Extract the attributes as a list policy = util.createPolicy(policy_str) p_list = util.getAttributeList(policy) s = group.random() C_tilde = (pk['e(gg)^alpha'] ** s) * M C_0 = pk['g1'] ** s C, D = {}, {} secret = s shares = util.calculateSharesList(secret, policy) # ciphertext for i in range(len(p_list)): r = group.random() if shares[i][0] == p_list[i]: attr = shares[i][0].getAttribute() C[ p_list[i] ] = ((pk['g1^a'] ** shares[i][1]) * (group.hash(attr, G1) ** -r)) D[ p_list[i] ] = (pk['g2'] ** r) if debug: print("SessionKey: %s" % C_tilde) return { 'C0':C_0, 'C':C, 'D':D , 'C_tilde':C_tilde, 'policy':policy_str, 'attribute':p_list }
[docs] def decrypt(self, pk, sk, ct): policy = util.createPolicy(ct['policy']) pruned = util.prune(policy, sk['attributes']) if pruned == False: return False coeffs = util.getCoefficients(policy) numerator = pair(ct['C0'], sk['K']) # create list for attributes in order... k_x, w_i = {}, {} for i in pruned: j = i.getAttributeAndIndex() k = i.getAttribute() k_x[ j ] = sk['K_x'][k] w_i[ j ] = coeffs[j] #print('Attribute %s: coeff=%s, k_x=%s' % (j, w_i[j], k_x[j])) C, D = ct['C'], ct['D'] denominator = 1 for i in pruned: j = i.getAttributeAndIndex() denominator *= ( pair(C[j] ** w_i[j], sk['L']) * pair(k_x[j] ** w_i[j], D[j]) ) return ct['C_tilde'] / (numerator / denominator)
[docs]def main(): #Get the eliptic curve with the bilinear mapping feature needed. groupObj = PairingGroup('SS512') cpabe = CPabe09(groupObj) (msk, pk) = cpabe.setup() pol = '((ONE or THREE) and (TWO or FOUR))' attr_list = ['THREE', 'ONE', 'TWO'] if debug: print('Acces Policy: %s' % pol) if debug: print('User credential list: %s' % attr_list) m = groupObj.random(GT) cpkey = cpabe.keygen(pk, msk, attr_list) if debug: print("\nSecret key: %s" % attr_list) if debug:groupObj.debug(cpkey) cipher = cpabe.encrypt(pk, m, pol) if debug: print("\nCiphertext...") if debug:groupObj.debug(cipher) orig_m = cpabe.decrypt(pk, cpkey, cipher) assert m == orig_m, 'FAILED Decryption!!!' if debug: print('Successful Decryption!') del groupObj
if __name__ == '__main__': debug = True main()