John Bethencourt, Brent Waters (Pairing-based)
| From: "Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption".
| Published in: 2007
| Available from:
| Notes:
| Security Assumption:
| type: ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption (public key)
| setting: Pairing
:Authors: J Ayo Akinyele
:Date: 04/2011
from charm.toolbox.pairinggroup import PairingGroup,ZR,G1,G2,GT,pair
from charm.toolbox.secretutil import SecretUtil
from charm.toolbox.ABEnc import ABEnc, Input, Output
# type annotations
pk_t = { 'g':G1, 'g2':G2, 'h':G1, 'f':G1, 'e_gg_alpha':GT }
mk_t = {'beta':ZR, 'g2_alpha':G2 }
sk_t = { 'D':G2, 'Dj':G2, 'Djp':G1, 'S':str }
ct_t = { 'C_tilde':GT, 'C':G1, 'Cy':G1, 'Cyp':G2 }
debug = False
[docs]class CPabe_BSW07(ABEnc):
>>> from charm.toolbox.pairinggroup import PairingGroup,ZR,G1,G2,GT,pair
>>> group = PairingGroup('SS512')
>>> cpabe = CPabe_BSW07(group)
>>> msg = group.random(GT)
>>> attributes = ['ONE', 'TWO', 'THREE']
>>> access_policy = '((four or three) and (three or one))'
>>> (master_public_key, master_key) = cpabe.setup()
>>> secret_key = cpabe.keygen(master_public_key, master_key, attributes)
>>> cipher_text = cpabe.encrypt(master_public_key, msg, access_policy)
>>> decrypted_msg = cpabe.decrypt(master_public_key, secret_key, cipher_text)
>>> msg == decrypted_msg
def __init__(self, groupObj):
global util, group
util = SecretUtil(groupObj, verbose=False)
group = groupObj
@Output(pk_t, mk_t)
def setup(self):
g, gp = group.random(G1), group.random(G2)
alpha, beta = group.random(ZR), group.random(ZR)
# initialize pre-processing for generators
g.initPP(); gp.initPP()
h = g ** beta; f = g ** ~beta
e_gg_alpha = pair(g, gp ** alpha)
pk = { 'g':g, 'g2':gp, 'h':h, 'f':f, 'e_gg_alpha':e_gg_alpha }
mk = {'beta':beta, 'g2_alpha':gp ** alpha }
return (pk, mk)
@Input(pk_t, mk_t, [str])
def keygen(self, pk, mk, S):
r = group.random()
g_r = (pk['g2'] ** r)
D = (mk['g2_alpha'] * g_r) ** (1 / mk['beta'])
D_j, D_j_pr = {}, {}
for j in S:
r_j = group.random()
D_j[j] = g_r * (group.hash(j, G2) ** r_j)
D_j_pr[j] = pk['g'] ** r_j
return { 'D':D, 'Dj':D_j, 'Djp':D_j_pr, 'S':S }
@Input(pk_t, GT, str)
def encrypt(self, pk, M, policy_str):
policy = util.createPolicy(policy_str)
a_list = util.getAttributeList(policy)
s = group.random(ZR)
shares = util.calculateSharesDict(s, policy)
C = pk['h'] ** s
C_y, C_y_pr = {}, {}
for i in shares.keys():
j = util.strip_index(i)
C_y[i] = pk['g'] ** shares[i]
C_y_pr[i] = group.hash(j, G2) ** shares[i]
return { 'C_tilde':(pk['e_gg_alpha'] ** s) * M,
'C':C, 'Cy':C_y, 'Cyp':C_y_pr, 'policy':policy_str, 'attributes':a_list }
@Input(pk_t, sk_t, ct_t)
def decrypt(self, pk, sk, ct):
policy = util.createPolicy(ct['policy'])
pruned_list = util.prune(policy, sk['S'])
if pruned_list == False:
return False
z = util.getCoefficients(policy)
A = 1
for i in pruned_list:
j = i.getAttributeAndIndex(); k = i.getAttribute()
A *= ( pair(ct['Cy'][j], sk['Dj'][k]) / pair(sk['Djp'][k], ct['Cyp'][j]) ) ** z[j]
return ct['C_tilde'] / (pair(ct['C'], sk['D']) / A)
[docs]def main():
groupObj = PairingGroup('SS512')
cpabe = CPabe_BSW07(groupObj)
attrs = ['ONE', 'TWO', 'THREE']
access_policy = '((four or three) and (three or one))'
if debug:
print("Attributes =>", attrs); print("Policy =>", access_policy)
(pk, mk) = cpabe.setup()
sk = cpabe.keygen(pk, mk, attrs)
print("sk :=>", sk)
rand_msg = groupObj.random(GT)
if debug: print("msg =>", rand_msg)
ct = cpabe.encrypt(pk, rand_msg, access_policy)
if debug: print("\n\nCiphertext...\n")
rec_msg = cpabe.decrypt(pk, sk, ct)
if debug: print("\n\nDecrypt...\n")
if debug: print("Rec msg =>", rec_msg)
assert rand_msg == rec_msg, "FAILED Decryption: message is incorrect"
if debug: print("Successful Decryption!!!")
if __name__ == "__main__":
debug = True